3751 Second Ave. Detroit, MI
3751 Second Ave. Detroit, MI
Coronado Apartments offers apartments homes for low income families in midtown Detroit, including washers/dryers and full kitchens. The property is near a major bus route and is within minutes of downtown Detroit. The building was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1982.
24 Family Apartments All households at or below 50% AMI
Total project cost: $5,393,000 City of Detroit HOME Funds / CCNDC Brownfield Loan
Ginosko Development Company (2012-2013) Acquisition | Financing | Construction Oversight | Asset Management | Resident Engagement | Development Team Formation and Administration
Coronado Apartments II LDHA, LP
Ginosko Development Company | KMG Prestige, Inc. | Fusco, Schafer & Pappas, Inc. | Rohde Construction | Loomis